COVID-19 Testing Consent
Live Better Ivs, LLC
I am requesting consent to receive a Covid-19 test, which will involve sticking a swab either up my nose or my mouth and collecting a sample from my respiratory system or saliva, which (although unlikely) could cause bleeding. Taking the COVID test is entirely voluntary, and I can decide whether or not to take the test.
The Covid-19 testing may either be antigen testing, or molecular testing, for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19. Antigen tests detect the presence of a specific viral antigen, which implies current viral infection. Molecular testing actually detects nucleic acid from the virus. The antigen testing will likely be a “point of care” test, which can produce results at the testing site in less than an hour. If I receive a molecular test (or an RT-PCR test), the specimen must be transported to a laboratory for analysis, a process that can take at least 1-2 days.
I understand that:
¨ The test detects if I may have SARS-CoV-2 at the time of the test only. It does not test for immunity or if you had the virus in the past.
¨ If your results are positive, please contact a doctor immediately. Only a doctor can give you a diagnosis. They can also provide information on how to care for yourself and to help protect others from infection.
¨ If I have a negative result and am still feeling symptoms, I should contact a doctor and ask
whether I should be retested because:
o I may have contracted the virus after my test.
o The test may have been a false negative.
¨ Testing is NOT medical advice or medical care. Any COVID-19 testing results should be discussed with a qualified healthcare provider of my choice, and this is my responsibility.
The benefit of an antigen test is that it is rapid, but antigen tests for SARS-CoV-2 are generally less sensitive than viral tests that detect the actual virus. Rapid antigen tests perform best when the person is tested in the early stages of infection with SARS-CoV-2 when viral load is generally highest. A negative antigen diagnostic test result should only be considered presumptive. Neither test is a guarantee.
If I am positive, I should isolate myself until a healthcare provider advises otherwise. For my information, CDC guidelines on Discontinuation of Isolation Not in Healthcare Settings is at
I agree that a positive test result will be sent to the State Department of Health.
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